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CondoCams Nice Legs Contest #25
We have a winner! Contestant #3, Congratulations #3!
She will move on to the finals...See her pics below....

Contestant #1
Vote for #1!

Contestant #2
vote for #2!

Contestant #3
Vote for #3!

Contestant #4
Vote for #4

Contestant #5
Vote for #5

Contestant #6
Vote for #6

Contestant #7
Vote for #7

Contestant #8
Vote for #8

Contestant #9
Vote for #9

Contestant #10
Vote for #10

#3 is the winner after much controversy and
if there were not three fianl judges to sift through
all the votes to assure they were legitamate, it may have
taken 3 weeks to sort it all out.
Thank you girls!
You all deserve a prize for showing your legs!

Here is #3 wearing her prize! Nice eh!

#3 will now move on to the finals!

Thank you all for voting, now go vote on the next contest!

click here to enter your legs in the next contest!

To the main leg contest page

Totally non-toxic ordor eliminator! Click and it opens in a new window.

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